Healthy Foods For Kids

School age is a great time for children to learn about food, activity, and a healthy lifestyle. At this age, children already have a busy social life and also they can choose what food they want to eat. Lifestyle and their diet must also influenced by family, social environment (friends), and also the media (especially television). 

Set the start of healthy food is important during this time. Children need a wide variety of foods in order to form a balanced diet. Their level of physical activity in daily life in-directly related to their nutritional needs. A balanced diet is important because these nutrients needed for their growth and development. 

When the kids busy activity, which takes more energy so they need a healthy snack that can balance the energy needs. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is true for a restful night's sleep followed by breakfast the next morning helps your child to stay active and be able to concentrate in school. Wherever possible children need to eat breakfast because if not, they most likely do not get enough energy and nutrients needed for day-to-day. Foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, wheat, cereals, and pasta along with milk, yogurt, or fruit is perfect for the breakfast menu. In addition to carbohydrates, these foods also contain fiber, calcium, iron, folic acid, and zinc.

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