Body Health Care

Simple ways to tighten / streamline the stomach 
Some simple things you can do to tighten or streamline the stomach: 

1. If you smoke then stop 
2. Get used to drinking a glass of water before eating, especially if there is going to eat fatty foods. 
3. Perform abdominal area massage using olive oil regularly 
4. Perform Weight Training once a week, as well as aerobics 3-5 times a week 
5. Regularly drinking herbal tea 
6. Consuming fruits, vegetables or other fibrous foods, in addition to adding sufficient calcium, when mendapatkankan nutritional adequacy rate of 1200 mg of calcium will be able to burn fat in the body 
7. Perform cardiovascular Sports to help burn fat in your body 

Start by doing that you can do right away.

Remember the above must be done regularly and repeatedly could not only be done once, good luck .... and if you like this article please click the like button and do not forget to share

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