Flat Stomach by Eating Fat

Flat belly is a dream of all people. Distended abdomen, besides disturbing appearance can also increase the risk of various diseases to death. How do I create a flat stomach? Is to avoid all fatty foods? 
Not all fats are bad for the body. It's time to pay attention to what kind of fat you eat, instead of thinking about how much fat content in your food. 

According to researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, consume foods that contain saturated fats such as meat, milk, butter, etc. can cause fat to accumulate in the abdomen and abdominal organs such as the liver. While unsaturated fats can actually lower cholesterol levels in the body and increase muscle mass. 

The following is a list of unsaturated fats are good for the body: 
· Legumes: soybeans, almonds, walnuts 
· Grains 
· Vegetable oil, olive oil, olive oil 
· Apricot 
· Avocado 
· Fish: salmon, tuna, etc. 

This research proves the importance of eating more healthy fats (unsaturated fats) in the daily diet. Replace saturated fat and trans fat with unsaturated fat from now on. In addition to increasing muscle mass, unsaturated fats are also good for health and can prevent a variety of chronic diseases.

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1 Response to "Flat Stomach by Eating Fat"

  1. Great post about reducing belly fat and it may help me to make belly flat fast, because I need real results. thanks!
